1.     A prospective member must be 21 years of age and a current member of the National rifle Assoc, proof required.


2.     A prospective member must attend one (1) monthly club meeting that is held the fourth Tuesday of each month (Except December,January and February). The meeting is held at the clubhouse, 7902 Henry Clay Blvd., in the Town of Clay at 7:00 PM. It is just North of the Wetzel Road intersection with Henry Clay Blvd. Meetings must be completed in one calendar year. Please sign in at the beginning of each meeting or talk to the secretary after the meeting, to be sure your attendance is recorded.  No exceptions.


3.)  The prospective member must attend a safety class after attending the monthly meeting. This class is held at the club, the date and time will be coordinated by the safety officers.


4.)   The new member will pay a prorated monthly amount ($7.00 for each month remaining in that calendar year) a $35.00 initiation fee (one time payment) and $5.00 for a key fob (refundable if membership ends) Payment can be made by check payable to Liverpool Rod and Gun club or cash in the exact amount. Payments must be made in full.


5.     First year members are probationary for the first 12 months. It is also required that you make the first year work days if scheduled, or make other arrangements.


Club Highlights and  Features:


1. Covered shooting benches.

2. 50 yard Pistol Range and 200 yard rifle range for paper targets. 50 yard shotgun board for sighting. ( Sorry, no aerial shooting ) ( Spinners for .22 rim fire only )

3. Clubhouse with restroom.

4. Plenty of parking, plowed during the winter.

5. Target frames available for shooting.

6. Helpful membership for all questions and support.

7. Yearly membership functions for fun and enjoyment


Contact : Membership@Liverpoolrodandgunclub.com


We have reached our membership limit for 2024